rclone and ChatGPT

If you haven’t heard of rclone, it’s a fantastic utility that you should check out. It’s an open source Swiss Army knife of data transfer tools, and something I use frequently.

It’s often something I run in the background and just let it run, and I’m not too concerned about how fast it goes. Sometimes I need it to go a little faster. I knew you could add additional flags to make it use more resources and go a little faster but I had never gone through the documentation to figure out the correct incantation. Somehow I had never really thought about using ChatGPT for this but today I did and it kind of blew my mind.

First I ask what flags you can use with rclone to make it go faster, and it answered really well, including explanation of each flag and what it does. Cool and helpful, I expected that. Then it connected to my terminal, Warp (which is fantastic), and saw the specific command I was running, and gave me the updated one with my specific paths. That’s really cool as well, but I have used that a few times. Then it asked me if I wanted to tell it my CPU, RAM, and available network speed and it would craft a specific command based on my available resources to maximize the upload speed. I did so and it worked like a champ. I now have a transfer running nearly 10x as fast as the default settings. 🤯