Atlassian Outage

Atlassian’s Unbelievable Month

If you follow tech on the internet, you’ve likely heard about the unbelievable outage that Atlassian has had, which is still (as of this writing) going on. On April 4th, many of their services went offline for several customers, and it has been an absolutely wild ride since then.

If you haven’t read this yet, The Pragmatic Engineer has an excellent timeline and breakdown of everything that Atlassian has done, and it’s honestly astounding.

I understand as well as anyone that things happen and systems will go down, but it’s hard to put in words how poorly they have handled this.

As Gregely points out in the post, it’s kind of insane that Atlassian literally wrote one of the most well known books on incident handling in the business, yet clearly just straight up do not follow it internally.

Current Atlassian status -