Tailscale Update

I’ve written about Tailscale before, but I wanted to write about it again as I am using it much more than I was in the past. It is one of my favorite tools of the last several years. No one likes VPNs, but I have felt for years like VPNs were just so antiquated compared to so much technology these days. It’s difficult to set up, it’s difficult to connect additional endpoints, and even when it’s all working the way it’s supposed to it’s usually really slow.

I don’t need to go in to the details of all of the features, but we use this at work now and honestly it just works. We have Tailscale agents deployed in all of the networks that we need and we can just connect to whatever we need securely. Tailscale checks our computers for compliance and users logged in with Okta, then we can just access whatever we need. It’s like magic.

Since last time I wrote I have been using Tailscale SSH - https://tailscale.com/kb/1193/tailscale-ssh and Tailscale Funnels https://tailscale.com/kb/1223/funnel much more and they are fantastic. The Tailscale Synology app is also fantastic. I will likely write another post about some tips with the Synology app.

Tailscale also has a generous personal use plan for home labs. I use the Apple TV app both personally and at my parents house to troubleshoot things - https://tailscale.com/kb/1280/appletv. If you haven’t yet, you should check out Tailscale.