Google Search is Getting Worse

Quick follow up to what I wrote the other day - How Google Lost its Way, the Decoder podcast recently did an episode about Why Google Search feels like it’s gotten worse, where they discuss how “SEO” is essentially breaking the internet, and (my words) how gaming Google Search has made the internet far worse. Google, at least hypothetically, cares about the quality of your search results, but they way they do that is more aligned with advertising, both for Google themselves and for all the people trying to game the system, leading to full on enshittification of essentially all of the internet due to Google’s search dominance. Regardless of how intentional it was, or how much of a blind eye Google turns to the problem, it’s hard to deny that it is a problem.

To reiterate what I wrote, Google is seemingly in trouble. Not only are they vulnerable to better search, which has suddenly become far more possible from companies like Perplexity AI, coupled with how Google is seemingly unable to determine the quality of results with the deluge of crap constantly being shoved on to the internet. The garbage content is already in hyperdrive with generative AI, and that’s only going to get worse.

Google is a big powerful company. They aren’t realistically going anywhere any time soon, but they have seemingly been caught completely off guard in so many ways. Not only did they seem to completely squander their lead in AI, it all of a sudden feels like Google being the undisputed search leader is seemingly not a given any more either.

Overcast link to Why Google Search feels like it’s gotten worse - Why Google Search feels like it’s gotten worse

If you are interested in Perplexity AI, which I have found incredibly useful, here is my affiliate link. I will write more about Perplexity, and why I have found it so impressive soon - Perplexity AI